You’ve been so patient, and for that, we thank you. Finally, you can read the incredible conclusion to Skateboard Heroes Issue 1 in all it’s 18-wheeler blasting glory. That’s right. We’re blowing up a truck from the inside and who knows what’s going to happen to the Heroes. Without giving too much away, these action-crammed 4 pages feature a cyborg baby with unparalleled fashion sense, a torso retractable gattling cannon, incredible carnage and destruction as a result of a casually dropped grenade, and… well, isn’t that really enough. If we shoved any more action into 4 measly pages, this little tale might lose some of its veracity.

Just sayin’.

Anyway… Download it now!!!!!

We interrupt the regularly scheduled continuity of Skateboard Heroes Issue One Antecedental to bring you a very very very special Holiday Themed short story inspired by the Toys For Tots toys drive at our favorite local shop, Alterniverse! Click here right now to download this 4 page special adventure featuring the Heroes. They must save the day when Dr. Inferno tries to steal all the toys from the collection bins.

Pages 18-20 of Antecedental, the moumentous first chapter of Skateboard Heroes is now available! Click Here to read, or visit our downloads page for other options.

Read everything up to this point in Antecedental, and don’t forget to download Issue 0 inwhich the Heroes meet for the first time. No time for a skate break… until you finish reading!

Ohhhhh yeah, good friends. We know you’ve been waitin’ and waitin’ and anticipatin’ the next part of Skateboard Heroes #1, Antecedental. Well, the waitin’ is over (and so is the additional waitin’ and the anticipatin’). Pages 14-17 are available here.

In this segment we the results of Blaster’s challenge, a gang of crazies on dirt bikes terrorizing a small town, and so much more. You’re going to love it!

The rest of the story can be found on our Downloads page.

I know we’ve been quite for a while with all of the work we’ve been doing on Mad Science The Card Game, but there’s good news for Skateboard Heroes fans. The last 8 pages of the new story arc will be in your hands shortly. That’s right, we’ve got the art completed, layouts are about 75% done, and then we just have to do the lettering. It’s going to be awesome! Stay tuned. In about a week you’ll be basking in SH awesomeness like nobody’s business!

See ya then.

The Skateboard Heroes made a promise, and the Skateboard Heroes always keep their word, so here ya go… pages 8 to 13 of Antecedental, our newest storyline. It’s awesome and it’s free. Don’t wait, friends.

Click here to download this newest offering.


What wondrous treats will you find in these new pages?

  • Experience the return of Agent Z. and a sneak peak at Dr. Inferno’s next terrible plot.
  • See Booster explain to Blaster how his challenge with Ms. Bland defies the laws of physics.
  • Witness Blaster’s incredible performance in the balloon-bell challenge… but is it enough?

 And make sure you visit our Downloads page to catch up on any pages you might have missed.

Happy Free Comic Book Day!


We promised new pages for FCBD and we’re fighting the good fight trying to get them ready. In the meantime, here’s a fun fact – a select few stores in the Hudson Valley area will have a DIY Skateboard Heroes Free Comic Book Day issue. It contains story previews from Issue 1 (the stuff currently available here on the website) along with a never-before-published Tiny Tales story. Everybody loves Mini Doc and the Micro Heroes, right?

If your store doesn’t have the Skateboard Heroes FCBD preview, ask them why– and then send them here!


Thanks. Check back soon for new pages. The clock is most assuredly ticking.